sish = 6
vel = 7
shol = 8
zul = 9
deg = 10
EN: In original Volapük the number for 10 was 'bals' --- adding the plural ending to the word 'bal'. Balapuk doesn't have any plural ending, so I adopted the 'deg' from revised Volapük.
EO: En malnova Volapuk 'dek' estas 'bals' --- 'bal' kaj la plurala 's'. Balapuk ne havas pluralo. 'Deg' devenas el nova Volapük.
DE: In alte Volapük 'bals' bedeutet 'zehn'. Der 's' is die Volapükische Mehrzahl. Balapuk hat keine Mehrzahl. So benutze ich das Wort 'deg' aus neue Volapük.
kil e kil binij sish = 3+3=6
fol e fol binij shol = 4+4=8
lul e tel binij vel = 5+2=7
zul e bal binij lul e lul 9+1=5+5
tsal deg e tsalosh shol = ten kings and eight queens/dek reghoj kaj ok reghinoj/zehn Könige und acht Königinnen
tsal e tsaletosh fol e tsalet bal = the king and four princesses and one prince/la regho kaj kvar reghidinoj kaj unu reghido/Der König und vier Prinzessinnen und ein Prinz
Why doesn't Balapuk have a plural? Just because nouns in English add a plural marker (usually 's') doesn't mean that happens in all languages. Some Asian languages don't and that's why an Asian person, speaking English, might say 'Nissa has a lot of cat.' instead of 'Nissa has a lot of cats.'
And besides, I just thought it would be fun to build a language without a plural marker.
None of my conlangs have plural markers =) Well, there's an optional one in Talajyn.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of making "ten" a plural "one".