Guide to the sounds of Volapük, in Portuguese, from Volapük Yahoo Group. Also visit the Volapük Yahoo Group's Files for Volapük Para Todo O Mundo and VOLAPÜK EM AÇÃO, Volapük courses in Portuguese.
O alfabeto do Volapük é composto de 27 letras, que são:
A, ä, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, t, u, ü, v, x, y, z = 8 vogais e 19 consoantes.
As vogais são pronunciadas da seguinte maneira:
A como A em „pAz”
Ä como E em „Era”
E como E em „mEsa”
I como I em „gIz”
O como O em „Ostra”
Ö como o EU do francês em „jEU”
U como U em „crUz”
Ü como o UE do francês em „rUE”
As consoantes são pronunciadas da seguinte maneira:
B, F, P, V pronunciam-se como em português
D como o D em „Dona”, diante de I não se pronuncia como o D de „Dinheiro,” na pronúncia carioca ou do Sudeste, mas como na pronúncia do Nordeste.
L como o L em „Lua”, no final de palavras deve ser pronunciado como se faz no Sul do Brasil, ou seja, não deve ser pronunciado com o son de U.
M como o M em „Maria”; não deve nasalizar a vogal que o preceda.
N como o N em „Nada”; não deve nasalizar a vogal que o preceda.
T como T em „Tudo”, diante de I näo se pronuncia como o T em „Tipo”, na pronúncia carioca ou do Sudeste, mas como na pronúncia do Nordeste.
K sempre como o C de „Casa”
Y é uma semivogal; deve ser pronunciada rápidamente, como o I de „caI”.
H como no inglês „House”, ou seja, uma leve aspiração, semelhante aos RR de „caRRo” sem uma pronúcia muito forte.
C como GI em GIorno
G sempre como o G em „Gota”, nunca como o G em „Girafa” ou „Gente”.
J como J em „Jardin”.
R sempre como o R em „caRo”.
S sempre soa como o S em „Sapato”, mesmo no fim ou meio das palavras.
X sempre soa como os GGS em „eggs”
Z sempre soa como os TS em „TSé-TSé”.
Em Volapük cada letra deve ser pronunciada de modo claro e preciso!
Pratique com os numerais de UM a DEZ:
bal, tel, kil, fol, lul, mäl, vel, jöl, zül, deg
Pratique estas palavras de uma sílaba:
flor (= flor), hit (= calor), fluk (= fruta), nif (= neve)
Palavras com mais de uma sílaba são lidas como oxítonas (a última sílaba é pronunciada mais fortemente).
floRÜP („flor-tempo” = Primavera)
hiTÜP („calor-tempo” =Verão)
fluKÜP („fruta-tempo” = Outono)
niFÜP („neve-tempo” = Inverno)
Tente pronunciar 2 vogais consecutivas: REIN = chuva (pronuncie: re-IN)
Tente pronunciar 3 vogais consecutivas: NEAI = nunca (pronuncie: ne-a-I)
Uma última dica importante: Tente criar o hábito de pronunciar toda palavra em voz alta! Talvez você se sinta pouco autoconfiante no começo, mas você em breve se tornará acostumado aos sons da língua, os quais nem todos são iguais aos sons que você está acostumado a ouvir no português. Além disso, ganha-se mais confiança desse modo!
Volapük Rigik --- Original Volapük, an international language invented in 1879 and mostly known to Esperantists.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Guia de Sons Do Volapük
Bible Verse in Plenty Languages, Blod! 21 Sept 2010
This series with one Bible verse in lots of languages and versions you can use to learn Volapük. Or Esperanto or Ido or some other language. Or even about God if you want to.... ['Blod' means 'brother']
Keyword: vöd - word - vorto
Volapük - Lucas 1:2
2. baiädü utos, kelosi utans, kels ebinons primao logatemunans e dünans vöda, eloveükons obes,
Esperanto - Luko 1:2
2 kiel ilin transdonis al ni tiuj, kiuj de la komenco vidis mem kaj estis administrantoj de la vorto,
Ido - Lukas 1:2
2. segun ke tradicionis ti qui de la komenco esis testi okulala, e divenis servisti di la parolo.
Interlingua - Luke 1:2
2 conforme los transmitteva a nos illes qui testes de vista ab le principio e servidores del parola deveniva,
Hawai`i Pidgin Bible - Luke 1:2 (Da Jesus Book)
2 Dey wen write down da stuff da odda guys wen see from da time Jesus wen start fo teach, an dey wen teach us an plenny odda peopo bout wat wen happen.
English - Luke 1:2 (Basic English Bible - uses only 1000 words)
2. As they were handed down to us by those who saw them from the first and were preachers of the word,
English - Luke 1:2 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
2. as these were handed down to us by those who from the outset were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word,
English - Luke 1:2 (King James Bible - Protestant)
2. Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word;
English - Luke 1:2 (New American Bible - Catholic)
2 just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us,
Deutsch - Lukas 1:2 (Luther Bibel - 1912)
2. wie uns das gegeben haben, die es von Anfang selbst gesehen und Diener des Worts gewesen sind:
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 1:2
처음부터 말씀의 목격자 되고 일군 된 자들의 전하여 준 그대로 내력을 저술하려고 붓을 든 사람이 많은지라
日本語 Japanese Bible - Luke 1:2
2. 御言に仕えた人々が伝えたとおり物語に書き連ねようと、多くの人が手を着けましたが、
Portuguese: Almeida Actualizada - Luke 1:2
2. segundo no-los transmitiram os que desde o princípio foram testemunhas oculares e ministros da palavra,
Romanian - Luke 1:2
2. după cum ni le-au încredinţat ceice le-au văzut cu ochii lor dela început, şi au ajuns slujitori ai cuvîntului,
Croatian - Luke 1:1
2. prema predaji prvih učenika i drugih očevidaca.
Note: 'Word' in the Bible often means 'word of God' or 'the Gospel'.
'Vorto' en la Biblio ofte signifas 'vorto de Dio' aŭ 'la Evangelio'.
Keyword: vöd - word - vorto
Volapük - Lucas 1:2
2. baiädü utos, kelosi utans, kels ebinons primao logatemunans e dünans vöda, eloveükons obes,
Esperanto - Luko 1:2
2 kiel ilin transdonis al ni tiuj, kiuj de la komenco vidis mem kaj estis administrantoj de la vorto,
Ido - Lukas 1:2
2. segun ke tradicionis ti qui de la komenco esis testi okulala, e divenis servisti di la parolo.
Interlingua - Luke 1:2
2 conforme los transmitteva a nos illes qui testes de vista ab le principio e servidores del parola deveniva,
Hawai`i Pidgin Bible - Luke 1:2 (Da Jesus Book)
2 Dey wen write down da stuff da odda guys wen see from da time Jesus wen start fo teach, an dey wen teach us an plenny odda peopo bout wat wen happen.
English - Luke 1:2 (Basic English Bible - uses only 1000 words)
2. As they were handed down to us by those who saw them from the first and were preachers of the word,
English - Luke 1:2 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
2. as these were handed down to us by those who from the outset were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word,
English - Luke 1:2 (King James Bible - Protestant)
2. Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word;
English - Luke 1:2 (New American Bible - Catholic)
2 just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us,
Deutsch - Lukas 1:2 (Luther Bibel - 1912)
2. wie uns das gegeben haben, die es von Anfang selbst gesehen und Diener des Worts gewesen sind:
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 1:2
처음부터 말씀의 목격자 되고 일군 된 자들의 전하여 준 그대로 내력을 저술하려고 붓을 든 사람이 많은지라
日本語 Japanese Bible - Luke 1:2
2. 御言に仕えた人々が伝えたとおり物語に書き連ねようと、多くの人が手を着けましたが、
Portuguese: Almeida Actualizada - Luke 1:2
2. segundo no-los transmitiram os que desde o princípio foram testemunhas oculares e ministros da palavra,
Romanian - Luke 1:2
2. după cum ni le-au încredinţat ceice le-au văzut cu ochii lor dela început, şi au ajuns slujitori ai cuvîntului,
Croatian - Luke 1:1
2. prema predaji prvih učenika i drugih očevidaca.
Note: 'Word' in the Bible often means 'word of God' or 'the Gospel'.
'Vorto' en la Biblio ofte signifas 'vorto de Dio' aŭ 'la Evangelio'.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bible Verse in Plenty Languages, Blod! 20 Sept 2010
This series with one Bible verse in lots of languages and versions you can use to learn Volapük. Or Esperanto or Ido or some other language. Or even about God if you want to.... [Blod=brother (in volapük)]
You will notice that we've changed the name of the series, and added a version in Hawaii Pidgin English and in Ido and Interlingua. We are also starting the Gospel of Luke from the beginning.
Keyword: konot - story, tale - historio
Volapük - Lucas 1:1
1. Bi mödikans esteifüloms ad lautön konoti dö dins, kels ejenons timü obs,
Esperanto - Luko 1:1
1 Ĉar multaj jam entreprenis aranĝi historion pri la faktoj, kiuj estas konstatitaj inter ni,
Ido - Lukas 1:1
1. Multi entraprezis naracar lo eventinta inter ni,
Interlingua - Luke 1:1
1 Nam multos interprendeva redactar un reporto circa le factos realisate inter nos,
Hawai`i Pidgin Bible - Luke 1:1 (Da Jesus Book)
1 Aloha, my friend Teofilus, Plenny guys wen write down da tings dat wen happen wit us.
English - Luke 1:1 (Basic English Bible - uses only 1000 words)
1. As a number of attempts have been made to put together in order an account of those events which took place among us,
English - Luke 1:1 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
1 Seeing that many others have undertaken to draw up accounts of the events that have reached their fulfilment among us,
English - Luke 1:1 (King James Bible - Protestant)
1. Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,
English - Luke 1:1 (New American Bible - Catholic)
1 Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us,
Deutsch - Lukas 1:1 (Luther Bibel - 1912)
1. Sintemal sich's viele unterwunden haben, Bericht zu geben von den Geschichten, so unter uns ergangen sind,
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 1:1
1. 우리 중에 이루어진 사실에 대하여
中文 Chinese Union Bible - Luke 1:1
1. 提 阿 非 罗 大 人 哪 , 有 好 些 人 提 笔 作 书 , 述 说 在 我 们 中 间 所 成 就 的 事 , 是 照 传 道 的 人 从 起 初 亲 眼 看 见 又 传 给 我 们 的 。
日本語 Japanese Bible - Luke 1:1
1. わたしたちの間に成就された出来事を、最初から親しく見た人々であって、
Portuguese: Almeida Actualizada - Luke 1:1
1. Visto que muitos têm empreendido fazer uma narração coordenada dos fatos que entre nós se realizaram,
Romanian - Luke 1:1
1. Fiindcă mulţi s'au apucat să alcătuiască o istorisire amănunţită despre lucrurile cari s'au petrecut printre noi,
Croatian - Luke 1:1
1. Kad već mnogi poduzeše sastaviti izvješće o događajima koji se ispuniše među nama.
The Gospel of Luke was written by St. Luke, a physician. He was a friend of St. Paul.
La evangelio de Luko estis skribita de Sanktulo Luko, kuracisto. Li estis amiko de Sanktulo Paŭlo.
You will notice that we've changed the name of the series, and added a version in Hawaii Pidgin English and in Ido and Interlingua. We are also starting the Gospel of Luke from the beginning.
Keyword: konot - story, tale - historio
Volapük - Lucas 1:1
1. Bi mödikans esteifüloms ad lautön konoti dö dins, kels ejenons timü obs,
Esperanto - Luko 1:1
1 Ĉar multaj jam entreprenis aranĝi historion pri la faktoj, kiuj estas konstatitaj inter ni,
Ido - Lukas 1:1
1. Multi entraprezis naracar lo eventinta inter ni,
Interlingua - Luke 1:1
1 Nam multos interprendeva redactar un reporto circa le factos realisate inter nos,
Hawai`i Pidgin Bible - Luke 1:1 (Da Jesus Book)
1 Aloha, my friend Teofilus, Plenny guys wen write down da tings dat wen happen wit us.
English - Luke 1:1 (Basic English Bible - uses only 1000 words)
1. As a number of attempts have been made to put together in order an account of those events which took place among us,
English - Luke 1:1 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
1 Seeing that many others have undertaken to draw up accounts of the events that have reached their fulfilment among us,
English - Luke 1:1 (King James Bible - Protestant)
1. Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,
English - Luke 1:1 (New American Bible - Catholic)
1 Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us,
Deutsch - Lukas 1:1 (Luther Bibel - 1912)
1. Sintemal sich's viele unterwunden haben, Bericht zu geben von den Geschichten, so unter uns ergangen sind,
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 1:1
1. 우리 중에 이루어진 사실에 대하여
中文 Chinese Union Bible - Luke 1:1
1. 提 阿 非 罗 大 人 哪 , 有 好 些 人 提 笔 作 书 , 述 说 在 我 们 中 间 所 成 就 的 事 , 是 照 传 道 的 人 从 起 初 亲 眼 看 见 又 传 给 我 们 的 。
日本語 Japanese Bible - Luke 1:1
1. わたしたちの間に成就された出来事を、最初から親しく見た人々であって、
Portuguese: Almeida Actualizada - Luke 1:1
1. Visto que muitos têm empreendido fazer uma narração coordenada dos fatos que entre nós se realizaram,
Romanian - Luke 1:1
1. Fiindcă mulţi s'au apucat să alcătuiască o istorisire amănunţită despre lucrurile cari s'au petrecut printre noi,
Croatian - Luke 1:1
1. Kad već mnogi poduzeše sastaviti izvješće o događajima koji se ispuniše među nama.
The Gospel of Luke was written by St. Luke, a physician. He was a friend of St. Paul.
La evangelio de Luko estis skribita de Sanktulo Luko, kuracisto. Li estis amiko de Sanktulo Paŭlo.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 19 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:15
15. Ed äsagom omes: «Bitikols lo mens, äsva binols ritiks, ab God sevom ladälis olsik; ed utos, kelos binon löpik pro mens, binon lenaud lo God.
English - Luke 16:15 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
15 He said to them, 'You are the very ones who pass yourselves off as upright in people's sight, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed in human eyes is loathsome in the sight of God.
English - Luke 16:15 (King James Bible - Protestant)
15. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
English - Luke 16:15 (Basic English Bible - only uses 1000 words)
15. And he said, You take care to seem right in the eyes of men, but God sees your hearts: and those things which are important in the opinion of men, are evil in the eyes of God.
Esperanto - Luko 16:15
15. Kaj li diris al ili: Vi estas tiuj, kiuj ŝajnigas sin justaj antaŭ homoj, sed Dio scias viajn korojn; ĉar kio estas altigita inter homoj, tio estas abomenaĵo antaŭ Dio.
Deutsch - Lukas 16:15 (Luther Bibel 1912)
15. Und er sprach zu ihnen: Ihr seid's, die ihr euch selbst rechtfertigt vor den Menschen; aber Gott kennt eure Herzen; denn was hoch ist unter den Menschen, das ist ein Greuel vor Gott.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:15
15. 예수께서 이르시되 `너희는 사람 앞에서 스스로 옳다 하는 자이나 너희 마음을 하나님께서 아시나니 사람 중에 높임을 받는 그것은 하나님 앞에 미움을 받는 것이니라
中文 - Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:15
15. 耶 稣 对 他 们 说 : 你 们 是 在 人 面 前 自 称 为 义 的 , 你 们 的 心 , 神 却 知 道 ; 因 为 人 所 尊 贵 的 , 是 神 看 为 可 憎 恶 的 。
日本語 - Japanese Bible - Luke 16:15
15. そこで彼らにむかって言われた、「あなたがたは、人々の前で自分を正しいとする人たちである。しかし、神はあなたがたの心をご存じである。人々の間で尊ばれるものは、神のみまえでは忌みきらわれる。
Luca 16:15 (Romanian)
15 Isus le -a zis: ,,Voi căutaţi să vă arătaţi neprihăniţi înaintea oamenilor, dar Dumnezeu vă cunoaşte inimile; pentrucă ce este înălţat între oameni, este o urîciune înaintea lui Dumnezeu.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
15. Ed äsagom omes: «Bitikols lo mens, äsva binols ritiks, ab God sevom ladälis olsik; ed utos, kelos binon löpik pro mens, binon lenaud lo God.
English - Luke 16:15 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
15 He said to them, 'You are the very ones who pass yourselves off as upright in people's sight, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed in human eyes is loathsome in the sight of God.
English - Luke 16:15 (King James Bible - Protestant)
15. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
English - Luke 16:15 (Basic English Bible - only uses 1000 words)
15. And he said, You take care to seem right in the eyes of men, but God sees your hearts: and those things which are important in the opinion of men, are evil in the eyes of God.
Esperanto - Luko 16:15
15. Kaj li diris al ili: Vi estas tiuj, kiuj ŝajnigas sin justaj antaŭ homoj, sed Dio scias viajn korojn; ĉar kio estas altigita inter homoj, tio estas abomenaĵo antaŭ Dio.
Deutsch - Lukas 16:15 (Luther Bibel 1912)
15. Und er sprach zu ihnen: Ihr seid's, die ihr euch selbst rechtfertigt vor den Menschen; aber Gott kennt eure Herzen; denn was hoch ist unter den Menschen, das ist ein Greuel vor Gott.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:15
15. 예수께서 이르시되 `너희는 사람 앞에서 스스로 옳다 하는 자이나 너희 마음을 하나님께서 아시나니 사람 중에 높임을 받는 그것은 하나님 앞에 미움을 받는 것이니라
中文 - Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:15
15. 耶 稣 对 他 们 说 : 你 们 是 在 人 面 前 自 称 为 义 的 , 你 们 的 心 , 神 却 知 道 ; 因 为 人 所 尊 贵 的 , 是 神 看 为 可 憎 恶 的 。
日本語 - Japanese Bible - Luke 16:15
15. そこで彼らにむかって言われた、「あなたがたは、人々の前で自分を正しいとする人たちである。しかし、神はあなたがたの心をご存じである。人々の間で尊ばれるものは、神のみまえでは忌みきらわれる。
Luca 16:15 (Romanian)
15 Isus le -a zis: ,,Voi căutaţi să vă arătaţi neprihăniţi înaintea oamenilor, dar Dumnezeu vă cunoaşte inimile; pentrucă ce este înălţat între oameni, este o urîciune înaintea lui Dumnezeu.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 18 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:14
14. Atosi valik farisetans, kels binoms moniäliks, äliloms, ed äkofoms omi.
English - Luke 16:14 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and jeered at him.
English - Luke 16:14 (King James Bible - Protestant)
14. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.
English - Luke 16:14 (Basic English Bible - uses only 1000 words)
14. And the Pharisees, who had a great love of money, hearing these things, were making sport of him.
Esperanto - Luko 16:14
14. Kaj la Fariseoj ankaŭ, kiuj estis monavidaj, aŭdis ĉion tion, kaj ili lin mokis.
Deutsch - Lukas 16:14 (Luther Bibel - 1912)
14. Das alles hörten die Pharisäer auch, und waren geizig, und spotteten sein.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:14
14. 바리새인들은 돈을 좋아하는 자라 이 모든 것을 듣고 비웃거늘
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:14
14. 法 利 赛 人 是 贪 爱 钱 财 的 , 他 们 听 见 这 一 切 话 , 就 嗤 笑 耶 稣 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:14
14. 欲の深いパリサイ人たちが、すべてこれらの言葉を聞いて、イエスをあざ笑った。
Maori Bible - Luke 16:14
14. A ko nga Parihi, he hunga apoapo moni, i rongo ki enei mea katoa: a ka whakahi ratou ki a ia.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
14. Atosi valik farisetans, kels binoms moniäliks, äliloms, ed äkofoms omi.
English - Luke 16:14 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and jeered at him.
English - Luke 16:14 (King James Bible - Protestant)
14. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.
English - Luke 16:14 (Basic English Bible - uses only 1000 words)
14. And the Pharisees, who had a great love of money, hearing these things, were making sport of him.
Esperanto - Luko 16:14
14. Kaj la Fariseoj ankaŭ, kiuj estis monavidaj, aŭdis ĉion tion, kaj ili lin mokis.
Deutsch - Lukas 16:14 (Luther Bibel - 1912)
14. Das alles hörten die Pharisäer auch, und waren geizig, und spotteten sein.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:14
14. 바리새인들은 돈을 좋아하는 자라 이 모든 것을 듣고 비웃거늘
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:14
14. 法 利 赛 人 是 贪 爱 钱 财 的 , 他 们 听 见 这 一 切 话 , 就 嗤 笑 耶 稣 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:14
14. 欲の深いパリサイ人たちが、すべてこれらの言葉を聞いて、イエスをあざ笑った。
Maori Bible - Luke 16:14
14. A ko nga Parihi, he hunga apoapo moni, i rongo ki enei mea katoa: a ka whakahi ratou ki a ia.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 17 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:13
13. Domadünan nonik kanon dünön sölis tel; ibä ud oheton balani, ed olöfon votani, ud oslopon balani, ed onestümon votani. No kanols kultön Godi e monalugodi».
English - Luke 16:13 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
13 'No servant can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or be attached to the first and despise the second. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.'
English - Luke 16:13 (King James Version - Protestant)
13. No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
English - Luke 16:13 (Basic English Bible - 0nly 1000 words used)
13. No man may be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other; or he will keep to the one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.
Esperanto - Luko 16:13
13. Nenia servanto povas servi al du sinjoroj; ĉar aŭ li malamos unu kaj amos la alian, aŭ li aliĝos al unu kaj malestimos la alian. Vi ne povas servi al Dio kaj al Mamono!
Deutsch - Lukas 16:13 (Luther 1912 Bibel)
13. Kein Knecht kann zwei Herren dienen: entweder er wird den einen hassen und den andern lieben, oder er wird dem einen anhangen und den andern verachten. Ihr könnt nicht Gott samt dem Mammon dienen.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:13
13. 집 하인이 두 주인을 섬길 수 없나니 혹 이를 미워하고 저를 사랑하거나 혹 이를 중히 여기고 저를 경히 여길 것임이니라 너희가 하나님과 재물을 겸하여 섬길 수 없느니라'
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:13
13. 一 个 仆 人 不 能 事 奉 两 个 主 ; 不 是 恶 这 个 爱 那 个 , 就 是 重 这 个 轻 那 个 。 你 们 不 能 又 事 奉 神 , 又 事 奉 玛 门 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:13
13. どの僕でも、ふたりの主人に兼ね仕えることはできない。一方を憎んで他方を愛し、あるいは、一方に親しんで他方をうとんじるからである。あなたがたは、神と富とに兼ね仕えることはできない」。
Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas - Luke 16:13
13. Ningún siervo puede servir a dos senores, porque o aborrecerá a uno y amará al otro, o se apegará a uno y despreciará al otro. No podéis servir a Dios y a las riquezas.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
13. Domadünan nonik kanon dünön sölis tel; ibä ud oheton balani, ed olöfon votani, ud oslopon balani, ed onestümon votani. No kanols kultön Godi e monalugodi».
English - Luke 16:13 (New Jerusalem Bible - Catholic)
13 'No servant can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or be attached to the first and despise the second. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.'
English - Luke 16:13 (King James Version - Protestant)
13. No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
English - Luke 16:13 (Basic English Bible - 0nly 1000 words used)
13. No man may be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other; or he will keep to the one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.
Esperanto - Luko 16:13
13. Nenia servanto povas servi al du sinjoroj; ĉar aŭ li malamos unu kaj amos la alian, aŭ li aliĝos al unu kaj malestimos la alian. Vi ne povas servi al Dio kaj al Mamono!
Deutsch - Lukas 16:13 (Luther 1912 Bibel)
13. Kein Knecht kann zwei Herren dienen: entweder er wird den einen hassen und den andern lieben, oder er wird dem einen anhangen und den andern verachten. Ihr könnt nicht Gott samt dem Mammon dienen.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:13
13. 집 하인이 두 주인을 섬길 수 없나니 혹 이를 미워하고 저를 사랑하거나 혹 이를 중히 여기고 저를 경히 여길 것임이니라 너희가 하나님과 재물을 겸하여 섬길 수 없느니라'
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:13
13. 一 个 仆 人 不 能 事 奉 两 个 主 ; 不 是 恶 这 个 爱 那 个 , 就 是 重 这 个 轻 那 个 。 你 们 不 能 又 事 奉 神 , 又 事 奉 玛 门 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:13
13. どの僕でも、ふたりの主人に兼ね仕えることはできない。一方を憎んで他方を愛し、あるいは、一方に親しんで他方をうとんじるからである。あなたがたは、神と富とに兼ね仕えることはできない」。
Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas - Luke 16:13
13. Ningún siervo puede servir a dos senores, porque o aborrecerá a uno y amará al otro, o se apegará a uno y despreciará al otro. No podéis servir a Dios y a las riquezas.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 16 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:12
12. If no ebinolöv konfidovik tefü dalabot votikane, kin bevü obs ogivon-li oles obsiki?
English - Luke 16:12 (Douay Rheims Bible)
12. And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's; who will give you that which is your own?
English - Luke 16:12 (Basic English Bible)
12. And if you have not been true in your care of the property of other people, who will give you that which is yours?
Esperanto - Luko 16:12
12. Kaj se vi ne estis fidelaj en tio, kio apartenas al alia homo, kiu donos al vi tion, kio estas via propra?
Deutsch - Lukas 16:12 (Luther 1912 Bibel)
12. Und so ihr in dem Fremden nicht treu seid, wer wird euch geben, was euer ist?
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:12
12. 너희가 만일 남의 것에 충성치 아니하면 누가 너희의 것을 너희에게 주겠느냐 ?
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:12
12. 倘 若 你 们 在 别 人 的 东 西 上 不 忠 心 , 谁 还 把 你 们 自 己 的 东 西 给 你 们 呢 ?
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:12
12. また、もしほかの人のものについて忠実でなかったら、だれがあなたがたのものを与えてくれようか。
Basque NT - Luke 16:12
12. Eta baldin berceren gauçán leyal içan ezpaçarete, çuen dena norc emanen drauçue?
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
12. If no ebinolöv konfidovik tefü dalabot votikane, kin bevü obs ogivon-li oles obsiki?
English - Luke 16:12 (Douay Rheims Bible)
12. And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's; who will give you that which is your own?
English - Luke 16:12 (Basic English Bible)
12. And if you have not been true in your care of the property of other people, who will give you that which is yours?
Esperanto - Luko 16:12
12. Kaj se vi ne estis fidelaj en tio, kio apartenas al alia homo, kiu donos al vi tion, kio estas via propra?
Deutsch - Lukas 16:12 (Luther 1912 Bibel)
12. Und so ihr in dem Fremden nicht treu seid, wer wird euch geben, was euer ist?
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:12
12. 너희가 만일 남의 것에 충성치 아니하면 누가 너희의 것을 너희에게 주겠느냐 ?
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:12
12. 倘 若 你 们 在 别 人 的 东 西 上 不 忠 心 , 谁 还 把 你 们 自 己 的 东 西 给 你 们 呢 ?
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:12
12. また、もしほかの人のものについて忠実でなかったら、だれがあなたがたのものを与えてくれようか。
Basque NT - Luke 16:12
12. Eta baldin berceren gauçán leyal içan ezpaçarete, çuen dena norc emanen drauçue?
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pronunciation of Volapük
The alphabet of VOLAPÜK has 27 letters, which are:
a, ä, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, t, u, ü, v, x, y, z = eight vowels and nineteen consonants.
The VOWELS are pronounced in the following manner:
A as in : lArd O as in : rOte
Ä as in : mAde Ö as in French : jEU
E as in French : mEt U as in : sOOn
I as in : bEEr Ü as in French : rUE
The CONSONANTS are pronounced as follows:
B as in : Ball N as in : Name
C as in : Joy P as in : Pill
D as in : Dull R as in : Rain
F as in : File S as in : Zeal
G as in : Goal T as in : Tale
H as in : Hill V as in : Vale
J as in : pleaSure X as in : eGGS
K as in : Kettle Y as in : Yell
L as in : Lake
M as in : Man Z as in : birDS
Practise now with the numbers from 1 to 10:
Practise these words of ONE SYLLABLE:
FLOR = flower; HIT = heat; FLUK = fruit; NIF = snow
In words of MORE THAN ONE SYLLABLE it is THE LAST ONE which takes the stress. To be of help, the last syllable in the following examples has been underlined:
FLORÜP = flower-time = Spring
HITÜP = heat-time = Summer
FLUKÜP = fruit-time = Autumn
NIFÜP = snow-time = Winter
Try TWO CONSECUTIVE VOWELS: REIN = rain (pronounced : RAY-EEN)
Try to make a habit of saying each word out loud; you may feel a little self-conscious doing this to start with, but you will soon become very familiar with the sounds of the language, not all of which are exactly like the sounds we are accustomed to in English. Furthermore, you will gain much more confidence in this way!
by Ralph Midgely
A pronunciation guide for our English-speaking readers.
The alphabet of VOLAPÜK has 27 letters, which are:
a, ä, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, t, u, ü, v, x, y, z = eight vowels and nineteen consonants.
The VOWELS are pronounced in the following manner:
A as in : lArd O as in : rOte
Ä as in : mAde Ö as in French : jEU
E as in French : mEt U as in : sOOn
I as in : bEEr Ü as in French : rUE
The CONSONANTS are pronounced as follows:
B as in : Ball N as in : Name
C as in : Joy P as in : Pill
D as in : Dull R as in : Rain
F as in : File S as in : Zeal
G as in : Goal T as in : Tale
H as in : Hill V as in : Vale
J as in : pleaSure X as in : eGGS
K as in : Kettle Y as in : Yell
L as in : Lake
M as in : Man Z as in : birDS
Practise now with the numbers from 1 to 10:
Practise these words of ONE SYLLABLE:
FLOR = flower; HIT = heat; FLUK = fruit; NIF = snow
In words of MORE THAN ONE SYLLABLE it is THE LAST ONE which takes the stress. To be of help, the last syllable in the following examples has been underlined:
FLORÜP = flower-time = Spring
HITÜP = heat-time = Summer
FLUKÜP = fruit-time = Autumn
NIFÜP = snow-time = Winter
Try TWO CONSECUTIVE VOWELS: REIN = rain (pronounced : RAY-EEN)
Try to make a habit of saying each word out loud; you may feel a little self-conscious doing this to start with, but you will soon become very familiar with the sounds of the language, not all of which are exactly like the sounds we are accustomed to in English. Furthermore, you will gain much more confidence in this way!
by Ralph Midgely
A pronunciation guide for our English-speaking readers.
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 15 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:11
11. If kludo ne ebinolöv konfidovik dinü lieg negidik, kin okonfidon-li ole verätiki?
English - Luke 16:11 (Douay Rheims Bible)
11. If then you have not been faithful in the unjust mammon; who will trust you with that which is the true?
English - Luke 16:11 (Basic English Bible)
11. If, then, you have not been true in your use of the wealth of this life, who will give into your care the true wealth?
Esperanto - Luko 16:11
11. Se do vi ne estis fidelaj en la maljusta mamono, kiu konfidos al vi la veran riĉon?
Deutsch - Lukas 16:11 (Luther Elberfelder Bibel)
11. So ihr nun in dem ungerechten Mammon nicht treu seid, wer will euch das Wahrhaftige vertrauen?
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:11
11. 너희가 만일 불의한 재물에 충성치 아니하면 누가 참된 것으로 너희에게 맡기겠느냐 ?
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:11
11. 倘 若 你 们 在 不 义 的 钱 财 上 不 忠 心 , 谁 还 把 那 真 实 的 钱 财 托 付 你 们 呢 ?
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:11
11. だから、もしあなたがたが不正の富について忠実でなかったら、だれが真の富を任せるだろうか。
Swahili Bible - Luke 16:11
11. Kama basi, ninyi si hamjawa waaminifu mali mbaya za dunia, ni nani atakayewakabidhi zile mali za kweli?
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
11. If kludo ne ebinolöv konfidovik dinü lieg negidik, kin okonfidon-li ole verätiki?
English - Luke 16:11 (Douay Rheims Bible)
11. If then you have not been faithful in the unjust mammon; who will trust you with that which is the true?
English - Luke 16:11 (Basic English Bible)
11. If, then, you have not been true in your use of the wealth of this life, who will give into your care the true wealth?
Esperanto - Luko 16:11
11. Se do vi ne estis fidelaj en la maljusta mamono, kiu konfidos al vi la veran riĉon?
Deutsch - Lukas 16:11 (Luther Elberfelder Bibel)
11. So ihr nun in dem ungerechten Mammon nicht treu seid, wer will euch das Wahrhaftige vertrauen?
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:11
11. 너희가 만일 불의한 재물에 충성치 아니하면 누가 참된 것으로 너희에게 맡기겠느냐 ?
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:11
11. 倘 若 你 们 在 不 义 的 钱 财 上 不 忠 心 , 谁 还 把 那 真 实 的 钱 财 托 付 你 们 呢 ?
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:11
11. だから、もしあなたがたが不正の富について忠実でなかったら、だれが真の富を任せるだろうか。
Swahili Bible - Luke 16:11
11. Kama basi, ninyi si hamjawa waaminifu mali mbaya za dunia, ni nani atakayewakabidhi zile mali za kweli?
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Die Laute in Volapük
FA [geschrieben von] ARIE DE JONG
Das Alphabet im Volapük ist wie folgt:
a, ä, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, t, u, ü, v, x, y, z
Die Vokale werden wie folgt ausgesprochen:
a = aa, ah (Kahl);
ä = ä (Bär);
e = ee (See);
i = ie, ieh (Liebe);
o = oo, oh (Moor);
ö = ö (schön);
u = u (Ruhe);
ü = ü (Tür)
Nehmen Sie bitte Notiz davon, das:
C wird wie „giorno,” j wird wie „schon,” v wird wie ”w,” und y wird wie j ausgesprochen.
Die übrigen Buchstaben werden wie im Deutschen gelesen.
Jedes Lautzeichen hat nur eine Lesung.
Es gibt keine Diphthonge oder Triphthonge (= Doppel- oder Dreilaute).
Jeder Vokal wird für sich gesprochen, z.B. rein (der Regen) = re-in.
Die Betonung ruht stets auf der Endsilbe, z.B. Volapük = Wolapühk.
Hier ist Hilfe für unsere deutsch-sprachige Leser, richtig Volapük zu sprechen.
Here is a guide for our German speaking readers in how to pronounce Volapük.
FA [geschrieben von] ARIE DE JONG
Das Alphabet im Volapük ist wie folgt:
a, ä, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, t, u, ü, v, x, y, z
Die Vokale werden wie folgt ausgesprochen:
a = aa, ah (Kahl);
ä = ä (Bär);
e = ee (See);
i = ie, ieh (Liebe);
o = oo, oh (Moor);
ö = ö (schön);
u = u (Ruhe);
ü = ü (Tür)
Nehmen Sie bitte Notiz davon, das:
C wird wie „giorno,” j wird wie „schon,” v wird wie ”w,” und y wird wie j ausgesprochen.
Die übrigen Buchstaben werden wie im Deutschen gelesen.
Jedes Lautzeichen hat nur eine Lesung.
Es gibt keine Diphthonge oder Triphthonge (= Doppel- oder Dreilaute).
Jeder Vokal wird für sich gesprochen, z.B. rein (der Regen) = re-in.
Die Betonung ruht stets auf der Endsilbe, z.B. Volapük = Wolapühk.
Hier ist Hilfe für unsere deutsch-sprachige Leser, richtig Volapük zu sprechen.
Here is a guide for our German speaking readers in how to pronounce Volapük.
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 14 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:10
10. Kel binon konfidovik in din pülikün, utan i binon konfidovik in din gretik; kel binon negidik in din pülikün, utan i binon negidik in din gretik.
English - Luke 16:10 (Douay Rheims Bible)
10. He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in that which is greater: and he that is unjust in that which is little, is unjust also in that which is greater.
English - Luke 16:10 (Basic English Bible)
10. He who is true in a little, is true in much; he who is false in small things, is false in great.
Esperanto - Luko 16:10
10. Kiu estas fidela en la plej malgranda afero, tiu estas fidela ankaŭ en multo; kaj kiu estas maljusta en la plej malgranda, tiu estas ankaŭ maljusta en multo.
Deutsch - Lukas 16:10 (Luther 1912 Bibel)
Wer im geringsten treu ist, der ist auch im Großen treu; und wer im Geringsten unrecht ist, der ist auch im Großen unrecht.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:10
10. 지극히 작은 것에 충성된 자는 큰 것에도 충성되고 지극히 작은 것에 불의한 자는 큰 것에도 불의하니라
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:10
10. 人 在 最 小 的 事 上 忠 心 , 在 大 事 上 也 忠 心 ; 在 最 小 的 事 上 不 义 , 在 大 事 上 也 不 义 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:10
10. 小事に忠実な人は、大事にも忠実である。そして、小事に不忠実な人は大事にも不忠実である。
Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927) - Luke 16:10
Chi è fedele nelle cose minime, è pur fedele nelle grandi; e chi è ingiusto nelle cose minime, è pure ingiusto nelle grandi.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
10. Kel binon konfidovik in din pülikün, utan i binon konfidovik in din gretik; kel binon negidik in din pülikün, utan i binon negidik in din gretik.
English - Luke 16:10 (Douay Rheims Bible)
10. He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in that which is greater: and he that is unjust in that which is little, is unjust also in that which is greater.
English - Luke 16:10 (Basic English Bible)
10. He who is true in a little, is true in much; he who is false in small things, is false in great.
Esperanto - Luko 16:10
10. Kiu estas fidela en la plej malgranda afero, tiu estas fidela ankaŭ en multo; kaj kiu estas maljusta en la plej malgranda, tiu estas ankaŭ maljusta en multo.
Deutsch - Lukas 16:10 (Luther 1912 Bibel)
Wer im geringsten treu ist, der ist auch im Großen treu; und wer im Geringsten unrecht ist, der ist auch im Großen unrecht.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:10
10. 지극히 작은 것에 충성된 자는 큰 것에도 충성되고 지극히 작은 것에 불의한 자는 큰 것에도 불의하니라
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:10
10. 人 在 最 小 的 事 上 忠 心 , 在 大 事 上 也 忠 心 ; 在 最 小 的 事 上 不 义 , 在 大 事 上 也 不 义 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:10
10. 小事に忠実な人は、大事にも忠実である。そして、小事に不忠実な人は大事にも不忠実である。
Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927) - Luke 16:10
Chi è fedele nelle cose minime, è pur fedele nelle grandi; e chi è ingiusto nelle cose minime, è pure ingiusto nelle grandi.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Monday, September 13, 2010
'Cask of Amontillado' in Volapük
There is a Volapük translation of the Edgar Allan Poe story 'A Cask of Amontillado' available at Wikisource:
It probably says something bad about my character that this is one of my all-time favorite stories, but here it is, in Volapük, and so I might as well read it, it's educational, right?
It probably says something bad about my character that this is one of my all-time favorite stories, but here it is, in Volapük, and so I might as well read it, it's educational, right?
New Volapük BYKI list: Nims 1 (Animals)
A second list of Volapük words has been added to the BYKI web site. BYKI or 'Before You Know It' is free language learning software--- like language flashcards. Download the free version at You will have to pick a language version other than Volapük because Volapük is not one of the languages. So choose whichever language you want to learn... German, Korean, Latin, Croatian....
The new list features animal names. You can view it or download it for your own BYKI program at Remember to RATE the list--- give it one to five stars. You might also choose to comment on the list. Rating or commenting will help Volapük get more attention on the BYKI web site.
The vocabulary words in this list will be featured in this blog's next 'Wordlist' language lesson, so practicing them now will give you a head start.
The new list features animal names. You can view it or download it for your own BYKI program at Remember to RATE the list--- give it one to five stars. You might also choose to comment on the list. Rating or commenting will help Volapük get more attention on the BYKI web site.
The vocabulary words in this list will be featured in this blog's next 'Wordlist' language lesson, so practicing them now will give you a head start.
Multilingual Bible Verse for Today - 13 Sept. 2010
Volapük - Lucas 16:9
9. E sagob oles: Davedükolsöd oles flenis me lieg negidik! dat, ven at finedikon, lasumoy olis ini tänads laidüpik.
English (Douay-Rheims) - Luke 16:9
9. And I say to you: Make unto you friends of the mammon of iniquity; that when you shall fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.
English (Basic English Bible) - Luke 16:9
And I say to you, Make friends for yourselves through the wealth of this life, so that when it comes to an end, you may be taken into the eternal resting-places.
Esperanto - Luko 16.9
Kaj mi diras al vi: Faru al vi amikojn per la mamono de maljusteco, por ke, kiam ĝi mankos, oni akceptu vin en eternajn loĝejojn.
German (Luther 1912) - Lukas 16.9
Und ich sage euch auch: Machet euch Freunde mit dem ungerechten Mammon, auf daß, wenn ihr nun darbet, sie euch aufnehmen in die ewigen Hütten.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:9
9. 내가 너희에게 말하노니 불의의 재물로 친구를 사귀라 ! 그리하면 없어질 때에 저희가 영원한 처소로 너희를 영접하리라
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:9
9. 我 又 告 诉 你 们 , 要 藉 着 那 不 义 的 钱 财 结 交 朋 友 , 到 了 钱 财 无 用 的 时 候 , 他 们 可 以 接 你 们 到 永 存 的 帐 幕 里 去 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:9
9. またあなたがたに言うが、不正の富を用いてでも、自分のために友だちをつくるがよい。そうすれば、富が無くなった場合、あなたがたを永遠のすまいに迎えてくれるであろう。
French Jerusalem Bible - Luke 16:9
Eh bien ! moi je vous dis : faites-vous des amis avec le malhonnête Argent, afin qu'au jour où il viendra à manquer, ceux-ci vous accueillent dans les tentes éternelles.
Croatian - Luke 16:9
9. "I ja vama kažem: napravite sebi prijatelje od nepoštena bogatstva pa kad ga nestane da vas prime u vječne šatore."
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
9. E sagob oles: Davedükolsöd oles flenis me lieg negidik! dat, ven at finedikon, lasumoy olis ini tänads laidüpik.
English (Douay-Rheims) - Luke 16:9
9. And I say to you: Make unto you friends of the mammon of iniquity; that when you shall fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.
English (Basic English Bible) - Luke 16:9
And I say to you, Make friends for yourselves through the wealth of this life, so that when it comes to an end, you may be taken into the eternal resting-places.
Esperanto - Luko 16.9
Kaj mi diras al vi: Faru al vi amikojn per la mamono de maljusteco, por ke, kiam ĝi mankos, oni akceptu vin en eternajn loĝejojn.
German (Luther 1912) - Lukas 16.9
Und ich sage euch auch: Machet euch Freunde mit dem ungerechten Mammon, auf daß, wenn ihr nun darbet, sie euch aufnehmen in die ewigen Hütten.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 16:9
9. 내가 너희에게 말하노니 불의의 재물로 친구를 사귀라 ! 그리하면 없어질 때에 저희가 영원한 처소로 너희를 영접하리라
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 16:9
9. 我 又 告 诉 你 们 , 要 藉 着 那 不 义 的 钱 财 结 交 朋 友 , 到 了 钱 财 无 用 的 时 候 , 他 们 可 以 接 你 们 到 永 存 的 帐 幕 里 去 。
Japanese Bible - Luke 16:9
9. またあなたがたに言うが、不正の富を用いてでも、自分のために友だちをつくるがよい。そうすれば、富が無くなった場合、あなたがたを永遠のすまいに迎えてくれるであろう。
French Jerusalem Bible - Luke 16:9
Eh bien ! moi je vous dis : faites-vous des amis avec le malhonnête Argent, afin qu'au jour où il viendra à manquer, ceux-ci vous accueillent dans les tentes éternelles.
Croatian - Luke 16:9
9. "I ja vama kažem: napravite sebi prijatelje od nepoštena bogatstva pa kad ga nestane da vas prime u vječne šatore."
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wordlist: Pronouns
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch - 한국어
ob - I, me - mi - ich, mich - 나
ol - you (sing.) - vi - du, dich - 너
om - he, him - li - er, ihm - 그
of - she, her - ŝi - sie, ihn - 그녀
on - it - ĝi - es - 그
oy - one - oni
obs - we, us - ni - wir, uns - 우리
ols - you (plur.) - vi - ihr, euch - 너희들
oms - they (m.) - ili - sie - 그들
ofs - they (f.) - ili - sie - 그녀들
ons - they (n. or mixed) - ili - sie - 그들
Logob kati, e kat logon obi.
Logol renari, e renar logon oli.
Logom dogi, e dog logon omi.
Logof lepi, e lep logon ofi.
Logon jipi, e jip logon oni.
Logoy rati, e rat logon oyi.
Logobs kapari, e kapar logon obis.
Logols nimi, e nim logon olis.
Logoms kati, e kat logon omis.
Logofs renari, e renar logon ofis.
Logons lepi, e lep logon onis.
I see the cat, and the cat sees me.
You see the fox, and the fox sees you.
He sees the dog, and the dog sees him.
She sees the ape, and the ape sees her.
It sees the sheep, and the sheep sees her.
One sees the rat, and the rat sees one.
We see the goat, and the goat sees us.
You see the animal, and the animal sees you.
They see the cat, and the cat sees them.
They see the fox, and the fox sees them.
They see the ape, and the ape sees them.
To learn the pronouns with BYKI flashcards, go to:
Or else to the list's page on the BYKI web site:
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
ob - I, me - mi - ich, mich - 나
ol - you (sing.) - vi - du, dich - 너
om - he, him - li - er, ihm - 그
of - she, her - ŝi - sie, ihn - 그녀
on - it - ĝi - es - 그
oy - one - oni
obs - we, us - ni - wir, uns - 우리
ols - you (plur.) - vi - ihr, euch - 너희들
oms - they (m.) - ili - sie - 그들
ofs - they (f.) - ili - sie - 그녀들
ons - they (n. or mixed) - ili - sie - 그들
Logob kati, e kat logon obi.
Logol renari, e renar logon oli.
Logom dogi, e dog logon omi.
Logof lepi, e lep logon ofi.
Logon jipi, e jip logon oni.
Logoy rati, e rat logon oyi.
Logobs kapari, e kapar logon obis.
Logols nimi, e nim logon olis.
Logoms kati, e kat logon omis.
Logofs renari, e renar logon ofis.
Logons lepi, e lep logon onis.
I see the cat, and the cat sees me.
You see the fox, and the fox sees you.
He sees the dog, and the dog sees him.
She sees the ape, and the ape sees her.
It sees the sheep, and the sheep sees her.
One sees the rat, and the rat sees one.
We see the goat, and the goat sees us.
You see the animal, and the animal sees you.
They see the cat, and the cat sees them.
They see the fox, and the fox sees them.
They see the ape, and the ape sees them.
To learn the pronouns with BYKI flashcards, go to:
Or else to the list's page on the BYKI web site:
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-10
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! 2010-09-10
How do you learn a new language? A method that works well for one person may not work as well for another. For me, reading a book in the new language, looking up every word I don't remember, is what helps best. And so that is the basis of the 'Reidobs' series.
Volapük - Lucas 15.5
5. Ed if tuvol oni, tän oseitol oni sui jots olik,
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
ed - and - kaj - und
if - if - se - wenn, falls
tuvol - you find - vi trovas - Sie finden
on - it - ĝi - es
tän - then - tiam - dann
oseitol - you will place - vi metos - er legt
sui - upon, onto - sur - auf
jots - shoulders - ŝultroj - Achseln
olik - your - via - Ihr
English - Luke 15:5 (Douay Rheims Bible)
5 And when he hath found it, lay it upon his shoulders, rejoicing:
English - Luke 15:5 (Basic English Bible)
5 And when he has got it again, he takes it in his arms with joy.
Esperanto - Luko 15.5
5 Kaj trovinte, li ĝin metas sur siajn ŝultrojn, ĝojante.
Deutsch - Lukas 15.5 (Luther Elberfelder Bibel)
5 Und wenn er's gefunden hat, so legt er's auf seine Achseln mit Freuden.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 15:5
5 또 찾은즉 즐거워 어깨에 메고
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 15:5
5 找 着 了 , 就 欢 欢 喜 喜 的 扛 在 肩 上 , 回 到 家 里 ,
Japanese Bible - Luke 15:5
5. そして見つけたら、喜んでそれを自分の肩に乗せ、
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
How do you learn a new language? A method that works well for one person may not work as well for another. For me, reading a book in the new language, looking up every word I don't remember, is what helps best. And so that is the basis of the 'Reidobs' series.
Volapük - Lucas 15.5
5. Ed if tuvol oni, tän oseitol oni sui jots olik,
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
ed - and - kaj - und
if - if - se - wenn, falls
tuvol - you find - vi trovas - Sie finden
on - it - ĝi - es
tän - then - tiam - dann
oseitol - you will place - vi metos - er legt
sui - upon, onto - sur - auf
jots - shoulders - ŝultroj - Achseln
olik - your - via - Ihr
English - Luke 15:5 (Douay Rheims Bible)
5 And when he hath found it, lay it upon his shoulders, rejoicing:
English - Luke 15:5 (Basic English Bible)
5 And when he has got it again, he takes it in his arms with joy.
Esperanto - Luko 15.5
5 Kaj trovinte, li ĝin metas sur siajn ŝultrojn, ĝojante.
Deutsch - Lukas 15.5 (Luther Elberfelder Bibel)
5 Und wenn er's gefunden hat, so legt er's auf seine Achseln mit Freuden.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 15:5
5 또 찾은즉 즐거워 어깨에 메고
Chinese Union Bible - Luke 15:5
5 找 着 了 , 就 欢 欢 喜 喜 的 扛 在 肩 上 , 回 到 家 里 ,
Japanese Bible - Luke 15:5
5. そして見つけたら、喜んでそれを自分の肩に乗せ、
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-09
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! 2010-09-09
Volapük - Lucas 15.4
4. «Kim de ols, if dalabol jipis tum, e perol bali onas, no olüvol-li züldegzülis in däsärt, ed osukol-li uti, kel peperon, jüs utuvol oni?
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
kim - who? - kiu - wer
de - of, from - el - aus
ols - you - vi - Sie
if - if - se - wenn, falls
dalabol - you possess - vi posedas - Sie haben
jip - sheep - ŝafo - Schaf
tum - a hundred -cent - hundert
e - and - kaj - und
perol - you lose - vi perdas - Sie verlieren
bal - one (1)- unu - eins
onas - of them - el ili - von ihnen
no - no, not - ne - nein, nicht
olüvol - you will leave - vi forlasos - Sie lassen
züldegzül - ninety-nine (99) - naŭdek naŭ - neun und neunzig
in - in - en - in
däsärt - desert - stepo - Wüste
ed - and - kaj - und
osukol - you will seek - vi serĉas - Sie suchen
ut - the one -
kel - who, which
peperon - it was lost
jü - until
tuvol - you find
English - Luke 15:4 (Douay Rheims Bible)
4 What man of you that hath an hundred sheep: and if he shall lose one of them, doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the desert, and go after that which was lost, until he find it?
English - Luke 15:4 (Basic English Bible)4 What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if one of them gets loose and goes away, will not let the ninety-nine be in the waste land by themselves, and go after the wandering one, till he sees where it is?
Esperanto - Luko 15.4
4 Kiu el vi, havante cent ŝafojn kaj perdinte unu el ili, ne forlasas la naŭdek naŭ sur la stepo, kaj iras, por serĉi tiun, kiun li perdis, ĝis li ĝin trovos?
Deutsch - Lukas 15.4
4 Welcher Mensch ist unter euch, der hundert Schafe hat und, so er der eines verliert, der nicht lasse die neunundneunzig in der Wüste und hingehe nach dem verlorenen, bis daß er's finde?
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 15:4
4 ` 너 희 중 에 어 느 사 람 이 양 일 백 마 리 가 있 는 데 그 중 에 하 나 를 잃 으 면 아 흔 아 홉 마 리 를 들 에 두 고 그 잃 은 것 을 찾 도 록 찾 아 다 니 지 아 니 하 느 냐
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Volapük - Lucas 15.4
4. «Kim de ols, if dalabol jipis tum, e perol bali onas, no olüvol-li züldegzülis in däsärt, ed osukol-li uti, kel peperon, jüs utuvol oni?
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
kim - who? - kiu - wer
de - of, from - el - aus
ols - you - vi - Sie
if - if - se - wenn, falls
dalabol - you possess - vi posedas - Sie haben
jip - sheep - ŝafo - Schaf
tum - a hundred -cent - hundert
e - and - kaj - und
perol - you lose - vi perdas - Sie verlieren
bal - one (1)- unu - eins
onas - of them - el ili - von ihnen
no - no, not - ne - nein, nicht
olüvol - you will leave - vi forlasos - Sie lassen
züldegzül - ninety-nine (99) - naŭdek naŭ - neun und neunzig
in - in - en - in
däsärt - desert - stepo - Wüste
ed - and - kaj - und
osukol - you will seek - vi serĉas - Sie suchen
ut - the one -
kel - who, which
peperon - it was lost
jü - until
tuvol - you find
English - Luke 15:4 (Douay Rheims Bible)
4 What man of you that hath an hundred sheep: and if he shall lose one of them, doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the desert, and go after that which was lost, until he find it?
English - Luke 15:4 (Basic English Bible)4 What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if one of them gets loose and goes away, will not let the ninety-nine be in the waste land by themselves, and go after the wandering one, till he sees where it is?
Esperanto - Luko 15.4
4 Kiu el vi, havante cent ŝafojn kaj perdinte unu el ili, ne forlasas la naŭdek naŭ sur la stepo, kaj iras, por serĉi tiun, kiun li perdis, ĝis li ĝin trovos?
Deutsch - Lukas 15.4
4 Welcher Mensch ist unter euch, der hundert Schafe hat und, so er der eines verliert, der nicht lasse die neunundneunzig in der Wüste und hingehe nach dem verlorenen, bis daß er's finde?
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 15:4
4 ` 너 희 중 에 어 느 사 람 이 양 일 백 마 리 가 있 는 데 그 중 에 하 나 를 잃 으 면 아 흔 아 홉 마 리 를 들 에 두 고 그 잃 은 것 을 찾 도 록 찾 아 다 니 지 아 니 하 느 냐
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-08
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! - 2010-09-08
Volapük - Matthaeus 1.23
23. «Ekö! jivirgan ogrodikof, ed omotof soni, keli onemoy eli 'Emmanuel'», kela tradutod binon : God binom ko obs.
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
jivirgan - virgin - virgulino - Jungfrau
ogrodikof - she will become pregnant - gravediĝos - wird schwanger sein
son - son - filo - Sohn
God - God - Dio - Gott
binom - he is - li estas - er ist
ko - with - kun - mit
obs - us - ni - uns
English - Matthew 1:23 (Douay-Rheims)
23 Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
English - Matthew 1:23 (Basic English)
23 See, the virgin will be with child, and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel, that is, God with us.
Esperanto - Mateo 1.23
Jen virgulino gravediĝos kaj naskos filon, kaj oni donos al li la nomon Emanuel; tio estas, Dio kun ni.
Deutsch - Matthäus 1.23
23 "Siehe, eine Jungfrau wird schwanger sein und einen Sohn gebären, und sie werden seinen Namen Immanuel heißen", das ist verdolmetscht: Gott mit uns.
한국어 (Korean) - Matthew 1:23
23 보 라 ! 처 녀 가 잉 태 하 여 아 들 을 낳 을 것 이 요 그 이 름 은 임 마 누 엘 이 라 하 리 라 하 셨 으 니 이 를 ` 번 역 한 즉 하 나 님 이 우 리 와 함 께 계 시 다' 함 이 라
Croatian Bible - Mateju 1:23
23'Slušajte! Djevica će zanijeti! Rodit će sina koji će se zvati Emanuel' (što znači Bog je s nama).
Romanian - Matei 1:23
23,,Iată, fecioara va fi însărcinată, va naşte un fiu, şi -i vor pune numele Emanuil``, care, tîlmăcit, înseamnă: ,,Dumnezeu este cu noi``.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Volapük - Matthaeus 1.23
23. «Ekö! jivirgan ogrodikof, ed omotof soni, keli onemoy eli 'Emmanuel'», kela tradutod binon : God binom ko obs.
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
jivirgan - virgin - virgulino - Jungfrau
ogrodikof - she will become pregnant - gravediĝos - wird schwanger sein
son - son - filo - Sohn
God - God - Dio - Gott
binom - he is - li estas - er ist
ko - with - kun - mit
obs - us - ni - uns
English - Matthew 1:23 (Douay-Rheims)
23 Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
English - Matthew 1:23 (Basic English)
23 See, the virgin will be with child, and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel, that is, God with us.
Esperanto - Mateo 1.23
Jen virgulino gravediĝos kaj naskos filon, kaj oni donos al li la nomon Emanuel; tio estas, Dio kun ni.
Deutsch - Matthäus 1.23
23 "Siehe, eine Jungfrau wird schwanger sein und einen Sohn gebären, und sie werden seinen Namen Immanuel heißen", das ist verdolmetscht: Gott mit uns.
한국어 (Korean) - Matthew 1:23
23 보 라 ! 처 녀 가 잉 태 하 여 아 들 을 낳 을 것 이 요 그 이 름 은 임 마 누 엘 이 라 하 리 라 하 셨 으 니 이 를 ` 번 역 한 즉 하 나 님 이 우 리 와 함 께 계 시 다' 함 이 라
Croatian Bible - Mateju 1:23
23'Slušajte! Djevica će zanijeti! Rodit će sina koji će se zvati Emanuel' (što znači Bog je s nama).
Romanian - Matei 1:23
23,,Iată, fecioara va fi însărcinată, va naşte un fiu, şi -i vor pune numele Emanuil``, care, tîlmăcit, înseamnă: ,,Dumnezeu este cu noi``.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Volapük pronoun list: BYKI
BYKI or 'Before You Know It' is free language learning software--- like language flashcards. I put up a list of Volapük pronouns which can be downloaded by any BYKI user or used at the website. View it here: Please visit the list, rate it, and comment on it!
It says 'German' because I had to create the list with the German language keyboard to get the letters of Volapük. These lists lack audio because I haven't yet quite learned how to pronounce Volapük, at least not well enough to be serving as a model to others.
It says 'German' because I had to create the list with the German language keyboard to get the letters of Volapük. These lists lack audio because I haven't yet quite learned how to pronounce Volapük, at least not well enough to be serving as a model to others.
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-07
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! 2010-09-07
Volapük - Lucas 6.12
12. Ün tim et ägolom seimna lü bel ad plekön, älifädom neiti lölik in plek lü God.
ün - at, in, on - en - in
tim - time - tempo - Zeit
et - that - ke - das
ägolom - he went/walked - li iris - er ging
seimna - once - antaŭe - einmal
lü - to/toward - al - auf
bel - mountain - monto - Berg
ad - for, in order to - por - zu
plekön - to pray - preĝi - beten
English - Luke 6:12
12. Now it happened in those days that he went onto the mountain to pray; and he spent the whole night in prayer to God.
Esperanto - Luko 6.12
12. Kaj in tiuj tagoj li foriris sur la monton, por preĝi; kaj li pasigis la tutan nokton en pregado al Dio.
Deutsch - Lukas 6.12
12. Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, daß er ging auf einen Berg, zu beten; und er blieb über Nacht in dem Gebet zu Gott.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 6:12
12 이 때 에 예 수 께 서 기 도 하 시 러 산 으 로 가 사 밤 이 맞 도 록 하 나 님 께 기 도 하 시 고
Volapük - Lucas 6.12
12. Ün tim et ägolom seimna lü bel ad plekön, älifädom neiti lölik in plek lü God.
ün - at, in, on - en - in
tim - time - tempo - Zeit
et - that - ke - das
ägolom - he went/walked - li iris - er ging
seimna - once - antaŭe - einmal
lü - to/toward - al - auf
bel - mountain - monto - Berg
ad - for, in order to - por - zu
plekön - to pray - preĝi - beten
English - Luke 6:12
12. Now it happened in those days that he went onto the mountain to pray; and he spent the whole night in prayer to God.
Esperanto - Luko 6.12
12. Kaj in tiuj tagoj li foriris sur la monton, por preĝi; kaj li pasigis la tutan nokton en pregado al Dio.
Deutsch - Lukas 6.12
12. Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, daß er ging auf einen Berg, zu beten; und er blieb über Nacht in dem Gebet zu Gott.
한국어 (Korean) - Luke 6:12
12 이 때 에 예 수 께 서 기 도 하 시 러 산 으 로 가 사 밤 이 맞 도 록 하 나 님 께 기 도 하 시 고
Monday, September 6, 2010
Wordlist: Nims 1 - Animals 1
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
nim - animal - besto - Tier
renar - fox - vulpo - Fuchs
dog - dog - hundo - Hund
lep - ape - simio - Affe
jip - a sheep - ŝafo - Schaf
kapar - goat - kapro - Ziege
Ekö renar.
Renar binon nim.
Renar logon jipi.
Jips binons nims.
Jip logon kapari.
Kapars e jips binons nims.
Ekö dog yelovik.
Dog yelovik logon lepi.
Leps, dogs e kats binons nims.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
nim - animal - besto - Tier
renar - fox - vulpo - Fuchs
dog - dog - hundo - Hund
lep - ape - simio - Affe
jip - a sheep - ŝafo - Schaf
kapar - goat - kapro - Ziege
Ekö renar.
Renar binon nim.
Renar logon jipi.
Jips binons nims.
Jip logon kapari.
Kapars e jips binons nims.
Ekö dog yelovik.
Dog yelovik logon lepi.
Leps, dogs e kats binons nims.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-06
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! - 2010-09-06
Volapük - [Lucas] 6.9
9. Tän Yesus äsagom omes: "Säkob oles: Pedälos-li ad benodunön u midunön tü jabat? ad dakipön u nosükön lifi-li?
äsagom - he said - li diris - er sprach
säkob - I ask - mi demandas - ich frage
u - or - aŭ - oder
jabat - Sabbath - sabato - Sabbat
ad - for, in order to, to - por - für
English - Luke 6:9
9. Then Jesus said to them, 'I put it to you: is it permitted on the Sabbath to do good, or to do evil, to save life, or to destroy it?'
Esperanto - Luko 6.9
9. Kaj Jesuo diris al ili: Mi vin demandas: ĉu estas permisate bonfari en sabato, aŭ malbonfari? Savi vivon, aŭ ĝin pereigi?
Deutsch - Lukas 6.9
9. Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: Ich frage euch: Was ziemt sich zu tun an den Sabaten, Gutes oder Böses? das Leben erhalten oder verderben?
한국어 (Korean) Luke 6:9
9 예 수 께 서 저 희 에 게 이 르 시 되 ` 내 가 너 희 에 게 묻 노 니 안 식 일 에 선 을 행 하 는 것 과 악 을 행 하 는 것 생 명 을 구 하 는 것 과 멸 하 는 것 어 느 것 이 옳 으 냐 ?' 하 시 며
Volapük - [Lucas] 6.9
9. Tän Yesus äsagom omes: "Säkob oles: Pedälos-li ad benodunön u midunön tü jabat? ad dakipön u nosükön lifi-li?
äsagom - he said - li diris - er sprach
säkob - I ask - mi demandas - ich frage
u - or - aŭ - oder
jabat - Sabbath - sabato - Sabbat
ad - for, in order to, to - por - für
English - Luke 6:9
9. Then Jesus said to them, 'I put it to you: is it permitted on the Sabbath to do good, or to do evil, to save life, or to destroy it?'
Esperanto - Luko 6.9
9. Kaj Jesuo diris al ili: Mi vin demandas: ĉu estas permisate bonfari en sabato, aŭ malbonfari? Savi vivon, aŭ ĝin pereigi?
Deutsch - Lukas 6.9
9. Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: Ich frage euch: Was ziemt sich zu tun an den Sabaten, Gutes oder Böses? das Leben erhalten oder verderben?
한국어 (Korean) Luke 6:9
9 예 수 께 서 저 희 에 게 이 르 시 되 ` 내 가 너 희 에 게 묻 노 니 안 식 일 에 선 을 행 하 는 것 과 악 을 행 하 는 것 생 명 을 구 하 는 것 과 멸 하 는 것 어 느 것 이 옳 으 냐 ?' 하 시 며
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Kats Obik
Ekö kats obik.
Kat gretik binon jikat.Jikat binon mot.
Kats smalik binons katüls.
Labob jikatül e hikatül.
Löfob jikati e katülis.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-05
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! - 2010-09-05
Volapük - Philemon 1.9
9. cedob, bi löfobs odi, osi gudikumi, ad begön ole. Klu nu ob Paulus, bäldan äd igo fanäb demü Yesus: Kristus
English - Philemon 1:9
9. I am rather appealing to your love, being what I am, Paul, an old man, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
Esperanto - Filemon 1.9
9. tamen pro la amo mi preferas petegi tia, kia mi estas, Paŭlo, maljunulo kaj nun ankaŭ malliberulo pro Kristo Jesuo:
Deutsch - Philemon 1.9
9. so will ich doch um der Liebe willen nur vermahnen, der ich ein solcher bin, nämlich ein alter Paulus, nun aber auch ein Gebundener Jesu Christi.
한국어 (Korean) - Philemon 1:9
9 사 랑 을 인 하 여 도 리 어 간 구 하 노 니 나 이 많 은 나 바 울 은 지 금 또 예 수 그 리 스 도 를 위 하 여 갇 힌 자 되 어
Basic English - Philemon 1:9
9 Still, because of love, in place of an order, I make a request to you, I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner of Christ Jesus:
Spanish - Filemón 1.9
9 Ruégo te más bien por amor, siendo tal cual soy, Pablo viejo, y aun ahora prisionero de Jesucristo:
Latin - Philemon 1:9
9 propter caritatem magis obsecro cum sis talis ut Paulus senex nunc autem et vinctus Iesu Christi
Plautdietsch - Filemon 1:9 (Reimer 2001)
9 doch, omm Leew haulwe, pracha ekj leewa, sentamol ekj Paul sie, en oola Maun, nu uk Jesus Christus sien Jefangna.
Hrvatski (Croatian) - Poslanica Filemonu 1:9
9 zaradi ljubavi te, kakav već jesam, radije molim - ja, Pavao, starac, sada i u zatvoru za Krista Isusa.
Volapük - Philemon 1.9
9. cedob, bi löfobs odi, osi gudikumi, ad begön ole. Klu nu ob Paulus, bäldan äd igo fanäb demü Yesus: Kristus
English - Philemon 1:9
9. I am rather appealing to your love, being what I am, Paul, an old man, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
Esperanto - Filemon 1.9
9. tamen pro la amo mi preferas petegi tia, kia mi estas, Paŭlo, maljunulo kaj nun ankaŭ malliberulo pro Kristo Jesuo:
Deutsch - Philemon 1.9
9. so will ich doch um der Liebe willen nur vermahnen, der ich ein solcher bin, nämlich ein alter Paulus, nun aber auch ein Gebundener Jesu Christi.
한국어 (Korean) - Philemon 1:9
9 사 랑 을 인 하 여 도 리 어 간 구 하 노 니 나 이 많 은 나 바 울 은 지 금 또 예 수 그 리 스 도 를 위 하 여 갇 힌 자 되 어
Basic English - Philemon 1:9
9 Still, because of love, in place of an order, I make a request to you, I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner of Christ Jesus:
Spanish - Filemón 1.9
9 Ruégo te más bien por amor, siendo tal cual soy, Pablo viejo, y aun ahora prisionero de Jesucristo:
Latin - Philemon 1:9
9 propter caritatem magis obsecro cum sis talis ut Paulus senex nunc autem et vinctus Iesu Christi
Plautdietsch - Filemon 1:9 (Reimer 2001)
9 doch, omm Leew haulwe, pracha ekj leewa, sentamol ekj Paul sie, en oola Maun, nu uk Jesus Christus sien Jefangna.
Hrvatski (Croatian) - Poslanica Filemonu 1:9
9 zaradi ljubavi te, kakav već jesam, radije molim - ja, Pavao, starac, sada i u zatvoru za Krista Isusa.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
International Volapük Learning Month
October is InVoLeMo (International Volapük Learning Month)!
First there was June Dairy Month, when folks stand around appreciating milk, butter and cheese and the goats, cows and camels who produce them.
Next there was National Novel Writing Month, when folks around the globe got together to madly write novels in the course of a single month.
Now, we announce International Volapük learning month--- a month in which otherwise normal citizens spend time learning an obscure conlang (artificial language) rather than watching Law & Order reruns for the tenth time.
Do you know about the Volapük language? In 1880, Father Johann Martin Schleyer created an international language, Volapük. There were Volapük clubs and periodicals. But because Esperanto was easier to learn, the Volapük movement waned.
It's a time to celebrate the part of yourself that doesn't follow the crowd, that doesn't worship at the altar of being practical. And once you've spent a month doing that, who knows what can happen?
InVoLeMo is sponsored by the blog Kat e Rat and not by any Volapük society or group. InVoLeMo is not to be taken internally and has not been shown to prevent, cure or cause any disease. Use InVoLeMo at your own risk.
First there was June Dairy Month, when folks stand around appreciating milk, butter and cheese and the goats, cows and camels who produce them.
Next there was National Novel Writing Month, when folks around the globe got together to madly write novels in the course of a single month.
Now, we announce International Volapük learning month--- a month in which otherwise normal citizens spend time learning an obscure conlang (artificial language) rather than watching Law & Order reruns for the tenth time.
Do you know about the Volapük language? In 1880, Father Johann Martin Schleyer created an international language, Volapük. There were Volapük clubs and periodicals. But because Esperanto was easier to learn, the Volapük movement waned.
It's a time to celebrate the part of yourself that doesn't follow the crowd, that doesn't worship at the altar of being practical. And once you've spent a month doing that, who knows what can happen?
InVoLeMo is sponsored by the blog Kat e Rat and not by any Volapük society or group. InVoLeMo is not to be taken internally and has not been shown to prevent, cure or cause any disease. Use InVoLeMo at your own risk.
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-09-04
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! - 2010-09-04
Volapük - Lucas 6.5
5. Äsagom i omes: "Son mena binom Mastan jabata".
English - Luke 6:5
5. And he said to them, 'The Son of man is master of the Sabbath.'
Esperanto - Luko 6.5
5. Kaj li diris al ili: La Filo de homo estas sinjoro de la sabato.
Deutsch - Lukas 6.5
5. Und er sprach zu ihnen: Des Menschen Sohn ist ein Herr auch des Sabbats.
son - son, the son - filo - Sohn
men - man (a human being) - homo - Mensch
binom - he is - li estas - er ist
mastan - master - mastro - Herr
jabat - sabbath, Shabat - sabato - Sabbat
Volapük - Lucas 6.5
5. Äsagom i omes: "Son mena binom Mastan jabata".
English - Luke 6:5
5. And he said to them, 'The Son of man is master of the Sabbath.'
Esperanto - Luko 6.5
5. Kaj li diris al ili: La Filo de homo estas sinjoro de la sabato.
Deutsch - Lukas 6.5
5. Und er sprach zu ihnen: Des Menschen Sohn ist ein Herr auch des Sabbats.
son - son, the son - filo - Sohn
men - man (a human being) - homo - Mensch
binom - he is - li estas - er ist
mastan - master - mastro - Herr
jabat - sabbath, Shabat - sabato - Sabbat
Friday, September 3, 2010
'Volapük' in Korean
In the Korean language the word for Volapük is 볼라퓌크 which is pronounced 'bolrapuikeu'.
In Japanese it's ヴォラピュク pronounced 'vorapyuku'.
Just in case anyone asks you.
In Japanese it's ヴォラピュク pronounced 'vorapyuku'.
Just in case anyone asks you.
Wordlist: Ob - Me
Volapük - English - Esperanto - German
ob - I, me - mi - ich, mich
binob - I am - mi estas - ich bin
logob - I see - mi vidas - ich sehe
logon - it sees - ĝi vidas - es sieht
Ekö ob.
Binob kat redik.
Logob rati blövik.
Rat blövik logon obi.
Logob kati grünik.
Kat grünik logon obi.
Ekö rats blövik e kats grünik.
Ekö ob.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Read the first comment for a translation.
Volapükans, please make corrections in a comment!
ob - I, me - mi - ich, mich
binob - I am - mi estas - ich bin
logob - I see - mi vidas - ich sehe
logon - it sees - ĝi vidas - es sieht
Ekö ob.
Binob kat redik.
Logob rati blövik.
Rat blövik logon obi.
Logob kati grünik.
Kat grünik logon obi.
Ekö rats blövik e kats grünik.
Ekö ob.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Read the first comment for a translation.
Volapükans, please make corrections in a comment!
Multilingual Bible Reading 3 Sept. 2010
[Lucas] 5.39
39. I nek, kel kösömon ad drinön vini bäldik, odesiron ad drinön yuniki; ibä osagon: Vin bäldik binon süperik.
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
nek - nobody - neniu - niemand
kel - who, which - kiu
ad - for, in order to - por, pri
drinön - to drink - trinki - trinken
vin - wine - vino - Wein
bäldik - old - malnova - alt
yunik - new - nova - neu
binön - to be - esti - sein
süperik - excellent - preferinda - besser
English - Luke 5:39
And no man drinking old [wine], hath presently a mind to new: for he saith, the old is better.
Esperanto - Luko 5.39
Kaj neniu, trinkinte malnovan vinon, deziras novan; char li diras: La malnova estas preferinda.
Deutsch - Lukas 5.39
Und niemand ist, der vom alten trinkt und wolle bald neuen; denn er spricht: Der alte is milder.
Add other languages in comment/Almetu aliaj lingvoj en komento
39. I nek, kel kösömon ad drinön vini bäldik, odesiron ad drinön yuniki; ibä osagon: Vin bäldik binon süperik.
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
nek - nobody - neniu - niemand
kel - who, which - kiu
ad - for, in order to - por, pri
drinön - to drink - trinki - trinken
vin - wine - vino - Wein
bäldik - old - malnova - alt
yunik - new - nova - neu
binön - to be - esti - sein
süperik - excellent - preferinda - besser
English - Luke 5:39
And no man drinking old [wine], hath presently a mind to new: for he saith, the old is better.
Esperanto - Luko 5.39
Kaj neniu, trinkinte malnovan vinon, deziras novan; char li diras: La malnova estas preferinda.
Deutsch - Lukas 5.39
Und niemand ist, der vom alten trinkt und wolle bald neuen; denn er spricht: Der alte is milder.
Add other languages in comment/Almetu aliaj lingvoj en komento
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Multilingual Bible Reading - 2 Sept. 2010
2. Äloegom seatön nafis tel len jol laka; nafans igoloms se ons, ed älavüloms filätis.
seatön - to lie, lay - kushi
naf - ship - shipo
tel - two - du
len - at, on - apud
jol - shore - bordo
lak - lake - lago
nafan - sailor - maristo
Luke 5:2
2. And saw two ships standing by the lake; but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
Luko 5.2
2. kaj li vidis du shipetojn starantajn apud la lago, sed la fishkaptistoj jhus eliris el ili, aj lavis la retojn.
Lukas 5.2
2. und sah zwei Schiffe am See stehen, die Fischer aber waren ausgetreten und wuschen ihre Netze.
seatön - to lie, lay - kushi
naf - ship - shipo
tel - two - du
len - at, on - apud
jol - shore - bordo
lak - lake - lago
nafan - sailor - maristo
Luke 5:2
2. And saw two ships standing by the lake; but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
Luko 5.2
2. kaj li vidis du shipetojn starantajn apud la lago, sed la fishkaptistoj jhus eliris el ili, aj lavis la retojn.
Lukas 5.2
2. und sah zwei Schiffe am See stehen, die Fischer aber waren ausgetreten und wuschen ihre Netze.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Volapük-English dictionaries
On there are a number of Volapük books available as reprints. One of them is Wood's Dictionary of Volapük: Volapük-English, English-Volapük which was originally published over a hundred years ago.
This means it was published before the revision of the Volapük language in 1931. While this dictionary would be of historical value and of use to the advanced student, I wonder if it would be very helpful to the beginning student.
There is a dictionary in modern Volapük by Ralph Midgely. It is available at the Volapük Online Resource in PDF or Microsoft Word formats. I don't know if there are plans to put this dictionary into real book form. But in this day of on-demand publishers such as, one can always hope. Until then we must be content to either keep the dictionary as a file on our computers, or go through the effort to print the pages out and put them into a binder. (Get a BIG binder.)
Multilingual Bible Reading - 1 Sept. 2010
1. [Corinthus] 3.2
2. Enulüdob olis me milig, no me zib solidik; ibä no äfägols ad sufidön oni. Igo nu no fägols ad sufidön oni,
milig = milk = lakto - Milch
no = no, not = ne = nicht
zib = food = manghajho = Speise
solidik = solid = solida =
nu = now = nun = nun
fägols = you (plural) are capable = kapablas
1 Cor. 3:2
2. I gave you milk to drink, not meat; for you were not able as yet. But neither indeed are you now able; for you are yet carnal.
1. Korintanoj 3:2
2. Mi nutris vin per lakto, be per manghajhon; char vi ankorau ne kapablis; kaj ech nun vi ne kapablas, char vi estas ankorau karnaj.
1. Korinther 3.2
2. Milch habe ich euch zu trinken gegeben, und nicht Speise; denn ihr konntet noch nicht. Auch könnt ihr jetzt noch nicht.
2. Enulüdob olis me milig, no me zib solidik; ibä no äfägols ad sufidön oni. Igo nu no fägols ad sufidön oni,
milig = milk = lakto - Milch
no = no, not = ne = nicht
zib = food = manghajho = Speise
solidik = solid = solida =
nu = now = nun = nun
fägols = you (plural) are capable = kapablas
1 Cor. 3:2
2. I gave you milk to drink, not meat; for you were not able as yet. But neither indeed are you now able; for you are yet carnal.
1. Korintanoj 3:2
2. Mi nutris vin per lakto, be per manghajhon; char vi ankorau ne kapablis; kaj ech nun vi ne kapablas, char vi estas ankorau karnaj.
1. Korinther 3.2
2. Milch habe ich euch zu trinken gegeben, und nicht Speise; denn ihr konntet noch nicht. Auch könnt ihr jetzt noch nicht.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wordlist: Köls 1 - Colors 1
Volapük . English . Esperanto . German
köls - colors - koloroj - Farben
redik - red - ruĝa - rot
vietik - white - blanka - weiss
blövik - blue - blua - blau
grünik - green - verda - grün
yelovik - yellow - flava - gelb
binon - (it) is - (ĝi) estas - es ist
Kat binon redik.
Rat binon vietik.
Kat binon blövik.
Rat binon grünik.
Kat binon yelovik.
Kats blövik e rats redik.
Rats yelovik e kats grünik.
Could you understand it?
Ĉu vi komprenas?
Verstehst Du?
köls - colors - koloroj - Farben
redik - red - ruĝa - rot
vietik - white - blanka - weiss
blövik - blue - blua - blau
grünik - green - verda - grün
yelovik - yellow - flava - gelb
binon - (it) is - (ĝi) estas - es ist
Kat binon redik.
Rat binon vietik.
Kat binon blövik.
Rat binon grünik.
Kat binon yelovik.
Kats blövik e rats redik.
Rats yelovik e kats grünik.
Could you understand it?
Ĉu vi komprenas?
Verstehst Du?
Wordlist: Balid - First
Kat e Rat |
Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch
rat = rat, a rat, the rat = rato, la rato = Ratte, die Ratte
rats = rats = ratoj = Ratten
kat = cat, a cat, the cat = kato, la kato = Katze, die Katze
kats = cats = katoj = Katzen
ekö = here is/are = jen = hier ist/sind
e = and = kaj = und
Ekö kat.
Ekö rat.
Rat e kat.
Kat e rat.
Ekö kats e rats.
Did you understand? Ĉu vi komprenas? Verstehst Du?
Multilingual Bible Reading - 31 Aug 2010
1. [Corinthus] 2.16
16 .Ibä kin esevon-li lüäli Söla, ad suemön omi? Obs ye dalabobs lüäli Kristusa.
ibä = for = char = denn
Söl = Lord, sir, Mr. = Sinjoro = Herr
omi = him = lin = ihn
obs = we = ni = wir
Kristus = Christ = Kristo = Christus
1 Corinthians 2:16
16. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
1. Korintanoj 2.16
16 Char kiu scias la menson de la Eternulo, ke li instruu Lin? Sed ni havas la menson de Kristo.
1. Korinther 2.16
16. Denn "wer hat des Herrn Sinn erkannt, oder wer will ihn unterweisen?" Wir aber haben Christi Sinn.
16 .Ibä kin esevon-li lüäli Söla, ad suemön omi? Obs ye dalabobs lüäli Kristusa.
ibä = for = char = denn
Söl = Lord, sir, Mr. = Sinjoro = Herr
omi = him = lin = ihn
obs = we = ni = wir
Kristus = Christ = Kristo = Christus
1 Corinthians 2:16
16. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
1. Korintanoj 2.16
16 Char kiu scias la menson de la Eternulo, ke li instruu Lin? Sed ni havas la menson de Kristo.
1. Korinther 2.16
16. Denn "wer hat des Herrn Sinn erkannt, oder wer will ihn unterweisen?" Wir aber haben Christi Sinn.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Volapük's New Flag
The language Volapük will possibly have its own flag. The flag above is one of the possibilities. See the other flags:
Why would a language need a flag? Esperanto already has one. It is useful as an icon on multilingual web sites.
The flag issue is being discussed at:
Today's Bible Reading - 30 Aug 2010 - in Volapük, Esperanto & English
16. Seimna äkömom ini (Nazareth), kö pidugälom, e ma kösöm okik ägolom tü jabatadel lü sünagog. Älöädom ad komoreidön,
Luke 4:16
16. And he [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where he was brought up: and he went into the synagogue, according to his custom, on the sabbath day; and he rose up to read.
Luko 4.16
16. Kaj li [Jesuo] venis al Nazaret, kie li estis edukita; kaj lau sia kutimo li eniris en la sinagogon en la sabata tago, kaj starighis, por legi.
seimna = once = iam
kömän = to come = veni
äkömom = he came = li venis
ini = into = al
kö = where = kie
Luke 4:16
16. And he [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where he was brought up: and he went into the synagogue, according to his custom, on the sabbath day; and he rose up to read.
Luko 4.16
16. Kaj li [Jesuo] venis al Nazaret, kie li estis edukita; kaj lau sia kutimo li eniris en la sinagogon en la sabata tago, kaj starighis, por legi.
seimna = once = iam
kömän = to come = veni
äkömom = he came = li venis
ini = into = al
kö = where = kie
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-08-29
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! - 2010-08-29
11. Ibä alan, kel löpükon oki, podonükon, ed utan kel donükon oki, polöpükon.
Luke 14:11
Because every one that exalteth himself, shall be humbled; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Luko 14.11
Char chiu, kiuj sin altigas, estos humiligita, kaj kiu sin humiligas, tiu estos altigita.
11. Ibä alan, kel löpükon oki, podonükon, ed utan kel donükon oki, polöpükon.
Luke 14:11
Because every one that exalteth himself, shall be humbled; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Luko 14.11
Char chiu, kiuj sin altigas, estos humiligita, kaj kiu sin humiligas, tiu estos altigita.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Reidobs! We Read! 2010-08-28
Reidobs! We Read! Ni Legas! Wir Lesen! - 2010-08-28
27. Ab God evälom utosi, kelos binon fopik lo volanef, ad jemükön sapanis, ed utosi, kelos binon fibik lo volanef, God evälom ad jemükön nämädanis,
1 Cor 1:27
27. But the foolish things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the wise, and the weak things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the strong.
1. Korintanoj
27. sed Dio elektis la malsaghajn objektojn de la mondo, por hontigi la saghulojn; kaj Dio elektis la malfortajn objektojn de la mondo, por hontigi la fortajn.
ab = but = sed
God = God = Dio
välön = to choose = elekti
fopik = foolish = malsagha
sapik = wise = sagha
27. Ab God evälom utosi, kelos binon fopik lo volanef, ad jemükön sapanis, ed utosi, kelos binon fibik lo volanef, God evälom ad jemükön nämädanis,
1 Cor 1:27
27. But the foolish things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the wise, and the weak things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the strong.
1. Korintanoj
27. sed Dio elektis la malsaghajn objektojn de la mondo, por hontigi la saghulojn; kaj Dio elektis la malfortajn objektojn de la mondo, por hontigi la fortajn.
ab = but = sed
God = God = Dio
välön = to choose = elekti
fopik = foolish = malsagha
sapik = wise = sagha
Friday, August 27, 2010
Alice in Volapük-Land
Lewis Carroll-s Alice in Wonderland is going to be translated into Volapük! The work in progress can be read at the Volapük Yahoo group--- it-s in the files. Here is a picture of the cover of the book. Isn-t it cool?
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