Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wordlist: Pronouns

Volapük - English - Esperanto - Deutsch - 한국어
ob - I, me - mi - ich, mich - 나
ol - you (sing.) - vi - du, dich - 너
om - he, him - li - er, ihm - 그
of - she, her - ŝi - sie, ihn - 그녀
on - it - ĝi - es - 그
oy - one - oni

obs - we, us - ni - wir, uns - 우리
ols - you (plur.) - vi - ihr, euch - 너희들
oms - they (m.) - ili - sie - 그들
ofs - they (f.) - ili - sie - 그녀들
ons - they (n. or mixed) - ili - sie - 그들

Logob kati, e kat logon obi.
Logol renari, e renar logon oli.
Logom dogi, e dog logon omi.
Logof lepi, e lep logon ofi.
Logon jipi, e jip logon oni.
Logoy rati, e rat logon oyi.

Logobs kapari, e kapar logon obis.
Logols nimi, e nim logon olis.
Logoms kati, e kat logon omis.
Logofs renari, e renar logon ofis.
Logons lepi, e lep logon onis.

I see the cat, and the cat sees me.
You see the fox, and the fox sees you.
He sees the dog, and the dog sees him.
She sees the ape, and the ape sees her.
It sees the sheep, and the sheep sees her.
One sees the rat, and the rat sees one.

We see the goat, and the goat sees us.
You see the animal, and the animal sees you.
They see the cat, and the cat sees them.
They see the fox, and the fox sees them.
They see the ape, and the ape sees them.

To learn the pronouns with BYKI flashcards, go to:

Or else to the list's page on the BYKI web site:

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